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Baker Staff Directory

Staff Search Tool

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How to Contact Staff

Staff can be contacted through a Parent or Student Schoology account or by calling your child's school main office.

Parent Schoology

Student Schoology

1 2 3 6 > showing 1 - 12 of 70 constituents
Jennifer Aimone

Jennifer Aimone

Titles: SE Para
Locations: Baker Middle School
Sarwat Ali

Sarwat Ali

Locations: Baker Middle School, Larson Middle School

Gerald Anderson

Locations: Baker Middle School
Amy Avery

Amy Avery

Titles: TEACHER, Baker Middle School Special Education Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
Ping Bai

Ping Bai

Titles: Teacher, Baker Middle School Math Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
Nadia Barbat

Nadia Barbat

Titles: TEACHER, Baker Middle School ELD Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
Brittney Beamon

Brittney Beamon

Locations: Baker Middle School
Kiara Betty

Kiara Betty

Titles: Student Support Aide
Locations: Baker Middle School
Sreedevi Bollavaram

Sreedevi Bollavaram

Titles: Teacher, Baker Middle School Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
Kelly L Booza

Kelly L Booza

Titles: Teacher, Baker Middle School Science Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
Ross Burdette

Ross Burdette

Titles: Assistant Principal
Locations: Baker Middle School
Shannon Burt

Shannon Burt

Titles: Teacher
Locations: Baker Middle School
1 2 3 6 > showing 1 - 12 of 70 constituents